Using iPads in the Cockpit

iPads are moving to the cockpit!

Instead of relying solely on paper charts, many pilots have tested out iPad’s charting and flight plan applications while flying and believe it to be a great tool to have in the cockpit.

What are the Advantages of Using iPads in the Cockpit?

  • iPad’s will be safer to use than traditional paper charts while flying
  • The touch screen and illumination display will make for easier use and accessibility while flying the plane.
  • The lightweight device makes it easier to sort through charts and allows pilots to access a variety of information with ease.
  • The iPad helps to track maintenance problems by collecting information at the source.
  • The addition of the iPad will also make for a less cluttered cockpit.

Several iPad applications have been developed in favor of pilots in part due to requests for navigating through a more efficient electronic platform. Many pilots already use iPads for personal use so integrating iPads into use for work will not bode much of a learning curve. Pilots will be able to download a number of applications for their pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight routines and they now have the option of saving content for future viewing on the iPad. Currently, there are dozens of iPad applications ready to use in the cockpit including applications for weather, airport information, charts including sectionals, low & high en-route charts, terrain, moving map & optional geo-referenced approach plates map. Furthermore, pilots can log on to a website called so they can easily organize and find all the iPad applications they need.

Many pilots are eager to begin using these devices in the cockpit. The FAA has begun to approve the use of iPads in the cockpit as a secondary tool to complement paper charts. Once air carriers win FAA approval, pilots will be able to navigate electronically, and not have to rely on the traditional pencil-on-paper route.  

Click below to watch a video of Starbase Aviation’s Director of operations, Jeff Curl on KHOU’s Channel 11 discussing the potential benefits of using iPads in the cockpit.

Starbase Aviation’s Director of Operations Jeff Curl Discusses Advantages of the iPad

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